After planning the character controller, it was time to implement it. The implementation so far has been very involved, so I will only cover the high-level points required to get to a minimally via...
Creating a Character Controller with C++ (Part Two)
Creating a Character Controller with C++ (Part One)
Over the past month or so, as part of a larger group assignment, I used C++ and Unreal Engine in a real-world project for the first time. The group assignment was to create a networked dodgeball ga...
Springs for Animation in Unity
I come from a Roblox and web background, where Springs see widespread use in all facets of animation. However, this tool seems somewhat less recognized outside of these spaces, especially in the br...
Rust and Bevy Engine: One-Button GameJam (Part Three)
This is the final entry for my One-Button GameJam series of blog posts, and we’ll be covering the game’s core mechanic - golf balls! Everything from physics to sound. Physics If I were to remake ...
Rust and Bevy Engine: One-Button GameJam (Part Two)
Given that we only had two weeks to complete this game jam, our group’s concept had to be simple to execute. After exploring various ideas, we ultimately chose a minigolf-style game that used only ...
Rust and Bevy Engine: One-Button GameJam (Part One)
A few months ago, I completed my first university game jam. Everybody was in teams of two to three, and the only rule was that the game could only use one button. Simple enough! While there was on...
PlayFab SDK V3
Over the past few weeks, I have been working on a complete rewrite of my Microsoft PlayFab integration for Roblox. This rewrite brings some key new features and significant housekeeping to better s...